2021 Western Iowa Pheasant Hunt
September 25-26, 2021 we held the first Western Iowa Pheasant Hunt at AVAD Hunt Club. Not only was this event held in a new location for our team, but we had many new volunteers, new veterans and amazing local businesses supporting this effort to get our veterans active outdoors.
This weekend was about more than hunting - it was about community building. Each hunt is an opportunity to support each other and learn from the stories of our vets. We walked away feeling more connected and grateful than when we arrived.
In addition to the excellent hunting, our veterans, volunteers and supporters enjoyed incredible food all weekend, a tour of the Templeton Distillery, and take home crafts.
Thank you to all who made this weekend possible. Including but not limited to:
AVAD Hunt Club for hosting us and for their flexibility as we learned the ropes in this new location
Eric, Brody & Kate Weber for all of their work prepping for this hunt - you’re incredible people
Audubon County Cattlemen for coordinating lunch for our crew
Barrel Smoke BBQ & Catering for afore mentioned fantastic lunch
Arcadia Meats, Audubon Recreation Foundation & Bobby Testroet for an amazing dinner.
Adobe Mexican Restaurant for opening specially just to serve us breakfast.
Additionally, we’d also like to thank these businesses for their support throughout the weekend and making us feel so welcome.